@font dream.font 8 dREAMCHARTS 15 wAS bROUGHT bY Dalamar Fuzz dedicated to Rickard 1972-1996 executestuff/assigns.script]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· cLICK mE fOR aSSIGNS! ·] [· dREAMCHARTS fEB. ·] [· cLICK fOR cOLOURS aND mUSIC ·] @font dream.font 8 - -- ---]====[· d R E A M ·]=[· c H A R T S ·]====[--- -- - @{BG TEXT} @{BG TEXT} ®®®® ®®®® ®®®®® ®®® ®® ®® ®®®® ®® ®® ®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®® @{BG TEXT} ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®®® ®®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® @{BG TEXT} ®® ®® ®®®® ®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®®® ®® ®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®® ®® ®®® @{BG TEXT} ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® @{BG TEXT} ®®®® ®® ®® ®®®®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®®®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®®®® @{BG TEXT} wORKBENCH 3.0 vERSION ========================================================================== @{BG TEXT}dREAMCHARTS - nOW uNITING tHE    gLOBAL    sCENE ========================================================================== [·   eDITORIAL   ·] [· cLICK fOR cOLOURS aND mUSIC ·] ========================================================================== wELCOME tO iSSUE 15 oF tHE dREAMCHARTS! bY dALAMAR and fUZZ ========================================================================== @font dream.font 8 =============================[ @{BG TEXT}dREAMCHARTS ]=============================== [  t H E   c H A R T S   ] [ tHIS mONTHS aRTICLES! ] [ sCENE iNTERVIEWS! ] [ mONTH tHAT pASSED ] [ hANDLE hISTORY! ] [ wANNA bE iNTERVIEWED? ] [ jOIN dREAMCHARTS? ] [ tHE gREETINGS ] [ bLOOD, sWEAT aND tEARS ] =============================[ dREAM@{BG TEXT}CHARTS ]=============================== @font dream.font 8 [===================]. € .hARMONIC mUSIC. €   .[===================] stuff/modplaymodules/mod.cannonnw]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· WAR! (Never Been So Much Fun) ·] - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - [· sEND ·] [========================].pSYCHADELIC cOLOURS.[=========================] stuff/setcolorspalettes/01]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®®® ] aND tHEN dARKNESS fELL oVER mE stuff/setcolorspalettes/02]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®® ] wHY aRE yOU bEATING mE ? stuff/setcolorspalettes/03]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®® ] wELCOME tO hELL! .pSYCHADELIC cOLOUR gRADES. stuff/setcolorspalettes/04]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®® ] i dIED aND wENT tO hEAVEN! ================================== stuff/setcolorspalettes/05]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®® ] i fEEL i'M sINKING [ ®®®®® ].....hAZARD fOR yOUR eYES stuff/setcolorspalettes/06]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®® ] dALAMARS cURE fOR sADNESS [ ®®®® ]........wE aRE lOOSING iT stuff/setcolorspalettes/07]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®® ] mETAL jACKET mAN [ ®®® ]...iS tHIS wEIRD oR whAT? stuff/setcolorspalettes/08]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®® ] aRE yOU oUTTA' yOUR mIND?! [ ®® ]..............pRETTY tAME stuff/setcolorspalettes/09]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®® ] cAST rAISE dEAD oN C64 [ ® ].....hARMONY fOR tHE eYES stuff/setcolorspalettes/10]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®® ] mY mOTHER wAS a jUNKIE ================================== stuff/setcolorspalettes/11]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®®® ] pICNIC iN tHE pARK stuff/setcolorspalettes/12]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®® ] i'VE gOT a kEYBOARD oN mY fOREHEAD stuff/setcolorspalettes/13]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®® ] i'VE sTILL gOT THE bLUES stuff/setcolorspalettes/14]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®® ] tHIS rEALLY mAKES mE sICK! stuff/setcolorspalettes/15]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ® ] yOU aRE sO sWEET stuff/setcolorspalettes/16]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®® ] pOLKAGRIS cANDY =============== WARNING! =============== stuff/setcolorspalettes/17]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ® ] tOO cUTE tO bE aLIVE [ ®®®®® ] - can cause serious headache stuff/setcolorspalettes/18]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®® ] sTORMY wEATHER ======================================== stuff/setcolorspalettes/19]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®® ] aNTI aRKTOS stuff/setcolorspalettes/20]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®® ] bETHOVENS lAST vIOLIN stuff/setcolorspalettes/21]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®® ] cLOUDS oF sWEETNESS stuff/setcolorspalettes/22]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®® ] fOREST iN mOSCOW stuff/setcolorspalettes/23]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®®®® ] lSD tRIP tO mARS stuff/setcolorspalettes/24]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®®® ] sNUSKIS pYAMAS stuff/setcolorspalettes/25]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ® ] tHE gREAT cAVERN oF cAMEL stuff/setcolorspalettes/26]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ®® ] wHITE cARPET oF sAND ========================================================================== stuff/setcolorspalettes/wb]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ ® ] wORKBENCH oRIGINAL ========================================================================== @font dream.font 8 ®®®®®®    tHE sTORY aBOUT a sCENE    ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®®® - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - rEAD aBOUT hOW tHESE pEOPLE gOT tHEIR hANDLES - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - [ mAD mOOSE ] [ *SEND MORE!* ] [ bEELZEBUB ] [ cLICK hERE ] data/all.guide/main]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· Board Upload ·] data/all.guide/main]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· Board Upload ·]> data/all.guide/main]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· Board Download ·] data/all.guide/main]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· Board Download ·]> ========================================================================== [· Traders All Time ·] [· Traders This Month ·] [· Board Rulers ·] ========================================================================== @font dream.font 8 =============================[ @{BG TEXT}dREAMCHARTS ]=============================== ®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®® ®®®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®®® aspeed]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· aMIGA ·] ®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®® ®®®® cspeed]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· cONSOLE ·] ®®®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®®® ®®®® pcspeed]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· pC! ·] ®®®®®®®®® ®®®® ®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®® =============================[ dREAM@{BG TEXT}CHARTS ]=============================== eDITORIAL Oohh... Do I HAVE to write another Editorial? Does anybody really read this part anyhow? Dunno.... But I'll do it anyhow (; For me this has been the month of Internet. Also I realized that amiga is in bad shit, and also discovered that internet might be a way out of that. Ya know, most people that are to buy an computer today, have INTERNET as their primary goal. They have heard so much about this internet, about how everyone must have it, it is the way of the future and blahblah... So they go, without knowing shit about computers and buy this miracle machine that will let you post/receive mails without licking a stamp, lets you find any information you ever wanted to find, and lets you chat with people all over the world. Ofcoz they buy a PC, coz that is what the store will recommend. So, thats where we have to strike. Market the Amiga as an Internet machine under 500$. A machine that not only lets you be on internet, but also lets you do other things in the background while waiting for those transfers to finish. A multitasking machine for half the price of a PC. That could do the trick. But since we are targeting people without any great computer knowledge, we have to do some nice advertizing. MAybe a comparison between Pc and amiga on Internet. Ya know, like: Here is Netscape on PC, Here is Amosaic on amiga. Here is PowerIRC on PC, here is AmIRC on amiga. Here is GoFTP on PC, here is AmFTP on amiga. Here is a filemanager -NOrton Commander on Pc, Here is Dopus on Amiga. Here is a Game, Dune II on PC, here is Dune II on Amiga. Is there any difference? -AMIGA CAN RUN ALL THOSE SIMULTANIOUSLY! On Pc you would need 16mb under Windows 95, And still can't run them all. On amiga 6mb, and all will work without crashing the system. A Pc costs 1000$ Amiga costs 450$ So, Are you a person with his own will, or are you like the sheep, and follows the crowd without knowing why? AMIGA - THE ONLY COMPUTER YOU WILL EVER NEED. Well.. Something like that.. I'm no advertisment manager you know, they can make it a lot better. Anyhow, I haven't seen ONE single advertisment since Escom took over. I'm sure that advertising for example one ad such the above in magazines for a month, will pay back in form of MUCH increased sales. Now throw in some tv-advertisments, with facts about the AMIGA, Showing That it really Can do all the things Pc can do, coz there are not many people that believe that (Due to having no computer knowledge at all). Well, Now I atleast managed to write some kind of Editorial. I won' comment the quality of it, and I hope you will do the same (; /Dalamar ========================================================================= This month dalamar and I had some BIG problems getting this issue out. First I had a hd crash and lost all old stats for DC and then dalamar had one aswell and lost all his new and old datafiles. Talk about one in a million chance. Anyway, some boards in this issue may be missing or have old stats, we appologise for this and for the VERY late release. Next month will probably be better, but out track record isn't very good on keeping deadlines as some of you might have noticed ;) /Fuzz hOW tO jOIN tHE dREAMCHARTS tHE dREAMCHARTS are open to all boards filling the following conditions: 1. They have to be elite, meaning, NOT PD-bbs's... WE Judge if it's PD or not. 2. The bbs system should be Amiexpress, SigmaExpress Tempest or DayDream iF you run another system, either change it, or find someone that can convert our util to your system. 3. boards WITHOUT an amiga conf, can kiss my ass goodbye. We support that fabular computer, and we do not support those who doesn't support it at all. 4. NO CHEATING WITH CREDS! If you give 3*creds for majors, and the creds do not exist, you will be excluded. 5. The board must have been open for atleast 6 months. 6. Must have a Minimum of 1 gig Ul/Dl, 2 Gig Ul/Dl If U have A PC-AREA If you can meet those 6 terms, you're allowed to enter the Dreamcharts. You have to find the Archieve LED-DC22.LHA and install. If It aint on your HD, It can be found at any of our Hq's. Just type "DC". HQ'S dRAGONLANCE (WHQ) iNTOXICATION (sWE HQ) ANOTHER WORLD (sWE HQ) tOTAL eCLIPSE (sWE HQ) bUMBLE bEE lAND (Norway HQ) Boondocks (Holland HQ) dIAL hARD (sWIZZ hQ) nORTHERN pALACE (dK hQ); Soon to Be Closed. Will be Replaced. You then have to make sure the file Sendme_xxxx.data reaches a HQ. xxxx = the current month and year. So in december '95 you will send SENDME_1095.data tHATS IT FOLKS! dALAMAR/Ind NEWS! DRAGONLANCE became cORRUPT SHQ. dALAMAR Became cORRUPT Scandinavian Organizer. hONCHO Closed Down Honchos HEaven. qBA Joined As Trader. Next Week My Friend B.B king Was also Taken into COR With COJ. -*- People Don't seem to understand this, but Dreamcharts will be released under the ESQUIRES lable now. Just coz Led Modem section is dead, that does not mean DC will not have a group. The persons involved in Dc simply formed a new one (: So sorry MYSTIC, PSG, LSD and the other ones that asked me if I wanted to release Dc under their lable. -*- A new Group Is Formed. eUPHORIA ! They are searching for Crackers/traders /coder/Whatever. If you wanna join them Contact STR. -*- gOZSPEL fOrmed A new Group Called BIG BONG!. An Trader only group with a limit of 1 gig traded personal gredz to join. -*- JUAN^Trsi Is back!! source: Juan/trsi -*- NEVERMIND, SpookM's Norwegian Board Died In a Hd-crash. -*- SKYLINE will soon Close Down. source: Juan^trsi -*- All The sysops that ain't listed in the BAD SYSOPS are NICE sysops. Simple Eh? And oh, not all sysops in the ERORRS listing are bad. Some of them can't help the system errors. BOARD USER PROBLEM SOLUTION ============================================================================== 4TH AVENUE NO USERS USE DD XIM EMULATOR ASYLUM NO PC CNF CONFIGURED SET PC.1 TOOLTYPE BATES MOTEL Dartslinger 4GB UL DONT USE NEGATIVE ULS CREDZ STAGE DIVE ZiPeZ 4GB UL DONT USE NEGATIVE ULS CREDZ THE DROP ZONE DOWNLOAD ERROR DON'T KNOW, CHECK USER.DATA THE STABLE DOWNLOAD ERROR DON'T KNOW, CHECK USER.DATA HONKEY DORY NOT ENOUGH UL/DL GET ATLEAST 1GB UL/DL TESTURE NOT ENOUGH UL/DL GET ATLEAST 2GB UL/DL X-SITE NOT ENOUGH UL/DL GET ATLEAST 2GB UL/DL GLOBAL EXPLORER NOT ENOUGH UL/DL GET ATLEAST 2GB UL/DL PREMIUM NOT ENOUGH UL/DL GET ATLEAST 2GB UL/DL WORTH MENTIONING This page will vary from month to month, but will mainly be here to explain strange things in the chart. Some people have called and left me explanations to things they wanted to mention. Like, I've local uploaded 100mb bcoz... This is the place that we will mention such things: DOCS SPEED CHARTS ============ *NEW FROM DECEMBER '95 ISSUE* The majors are gone. We've had some big problems getting independent people choosing the majors in past issues. This is one of the reasons the chart got so late every month. Instead I've programed a small util that calculates the 100 most spread files globaly and calculate the speed on those instead. Not only does this mean more accurate charts (due to the higher number) but also: · New chart, most spreaded files - check out if your group got one in there! · Faster release! No more 2 weeks delays in the dc due to majors! · (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) Trader chart! Fastest trader! The point system has also changed. It's still 0-10 points on recieving the majors and -1 if the board doesn't get it at all but the max is now 1000 points. The points are giving by this system: 10p - First board with the file! 9p - 0- 4 hours after release 8p - 4- 9 - ^ ^ - 7p - 9-15 - ^ ^ - 6p - 15-22 - ^ ^ - 5p - 22-30 - ^ ^ - 4p - 30-39 - ^ ^ - 3p - 39-49 - ^ ^ - 2p - 49-60 - ^ ^ - 1p - 60-72 - ^ ^ - 0p - 72 - ^ ^ - -1p - Didn't get the file at all TRADER CHART ============ Traders with 50+Mb uls total on all boards he/she calls are shown with: =)]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ 157 -15 FuZZ ThE·FaR·SiDE·CReW 974 ±0 Mb ] ^ pos ^ handle ^ location ^ ± UL in Mb ^ ± position since last issue ^ UL in Mb Traders with 200+Mb you can click for an overview on the boards he/she calls: =)]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" CRYSTAL OF DARKNESS U: 486 ±0 D: 22 ±0 =)]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" *THE LAST INN U: 278 ±0 D: 0 ±0 I =)]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" *SERPENT HILL U: 193 ±0 D: 243 ±0 I =)]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" Total: U: 974 ±0 D: 268 ±0 =)]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [· CHARTS ·] =)]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" *SERPENT HILL U: 193 ±0 D: 243 ±0 I ^ board name ^ UL in Mb ^ DL in Mb ^ ± UL ^ ± DL * = Board did not leave the SENDME_XXXX this month (at start of line) I = Inactive, user have not called in for 1 month (at end of line) (i.e I've not called for a month, lazy me ;)) BOARD CHARTS ============ All boards shown. =)]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ 11 INTOXICATION FuZZ 40720 +4071 Mb ] ^ pos ^ sysop ^ UL in Mb ^ boardname ^ ± UL * = Board did not leave the SENDME_XXXX this month (at start of line) If you click on a board you'll get a list of the users on that board. There are two lists on that node. The first list of users is sorted by total upload and includes users with 100+Mb upload. The second list is sorted by month ul and shows users with 50+Mb month UL. =)]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ 1 YPSiLON --- AFL/CNV --- 1684 ±0 414 ±0 I ] ^ pos ^ location ^ UL in Mb ^ DL in Mb ^ handle ^ ± UL ^ ± DL I = Inactive, user have not called in for 1 month (at end of line) MONTH TRADERS CHART =================== This chart shows the best traders of the month. At the moment this shows all extra credz and compos etc. This WILL change and ONLY real UL will be shown. But you'll have to make do with this one for the time beeing. Traders with 50+Mb in month UL will be shown in this list, see trader chart for explanation of entrys. gREETS fROM dALAMAR: oPEL: thanx For The Dat Release. Really Apreciate it. It was a tough one with the netsplits. Must have tried your patience real good.... aXEN: thanx for the dcc! Nice To see LSD Kickin Ass Again! Keep it up! sTR: hehe.. nice Time At AmiElite. The greet mess I thought I would Give you, is so secret that it is Invisible! (; Marx: Thanx for the OP. Looks better with an @ (; Really nice having you around! Now let's see. Was it /deop Buff I was supposed to do? (; sAL-1: how's that Telnet going? Heard that one before? (; cLUSTEr: You're one hell of a fast op'er! mETAL fORCE: HAIL BROTHER! BLOOD OF THE KINGS! aMIGASPIRIT: Thanx for the Spectrum emulator, and all the nice aNsi-anims! bZYK: Nice you have a good connect here, all the way from poland. Hope you climbed the charts real good this time! wILD tHING: You Rule the Scene! (after Me, I mean) (; nEPTUNE: NEver mind the Group Door. 8 month to code it suxx. Wild Thing will do it. After 5days he is almost ready.. vILEIUS: Are U Reading this? Like the Chart? sKIZE: Maybe I should Have written MODEMSECTION Of LEd in the file_id? Sorry for that. MAcroman: Thanx for the Stuff. Juan/trsi: C ya at the net. Nice to have you back. traitor: Thanx for the help. It was my modemsettings that were screwed! /: fLIPPER: Thanx for letting me use your computer to write this! uGGLAN: Hope that coke helps you get better. The Rest: You All get greets, coz I Love My readers. I KNOW that I, As Usual, Have fogotten some important people, People that REALLY should have greets. Sorry for that! U could always write me a mess, And B angry. And I wont forget you in the next issue (; fEB. '95 Issue - Month Creds Done By Dalamar & Fuzz. Dalamar: Dreamcharts Chief Editor Fatal: Dreamcharts Designer Fuzz: Dreamcharts Util Coder Tango: Dreamcharts Util Coder & Counter Nike: Dreamcharts Util Coder Neptune: Dreamcharts Util Coder Agamemnon: Dreamcharts Util Coder TDL/ACS: Swiss Dreamchart Ambassador Baffle!: Norway Dreamchart Ambassador Sal-1: Holland Dreamchart Ambassador : Finland Dreamchart Ambassador PLAYMATE: Denmark Dreamchart Ambassador tHE dREAMCHARTS sAGA Prelude: In september '94 DALAMAR comes up with the idea, or call It possesion, to make a Chart. Unlike the other existing charts he didn't have any plans in including some 10-15 boards, and to calculate everything manually. The plans were too big, so Some utils would be needed. Together With VILEIUS, they started designing the now well known system, of clicking on every trader, and displaying all that info. At that time the existing charts were nothing more than text files or anyhow, containing very little info. Clicking on a trader and getting to see his accounts, +mb up/down for that month, e.tc. was never heard of. That was what made the charts so popular. It's originality. Also, BIZTRO was with us at the time, Helping to design the system. The result after almost 2 months hard work was this: The Dreamchart Main Utils .-- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - --÷- ---. | · | DC_INIT - Idea & Mechanics: VILEIUS, DALAMAR.. | Code: VILEIUS : : | | : · Function: Created A datafile once each month, packed with stats. · . That way we don't have to snap lot's of Bulls · ¦ : | | | DC_ANA - Idea & Mechanics: VILEIUS, DALAMAR | | code: VILEIUS | | | : : ¦ Function: Analysed the Statsfiles created by Dc_init and : . calculated the stats. . : | | | `-- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- - ---' November '94: The First Issue Was Released. DALAMAR and BIZTRO did this one. VILEIUS and DALAMAR calculated. December '94: By DALAMAR and BIZTRO. Stats calculated by DALAMAR. Jan '95: All Work By DALAMAR. Feb '95: All Work by DALAMAR, Except Design; This is Where FATAL Became the first in the Dc Staff. Skize Helped Here, with Some Collecting. mar '95: By DALAMAR and SKIZE. - Skize joined this month, and helped with all kind of things: Linking, Collecting, Board rulers chart and more. Calculation: DALAMAR Meanwhile, Vileius Had an little "accident", meaning that he could not continue any coding, and that all the sources were lost. Everything worked fine anyhow, and we continued to release the dreamcharts just as before, with the programs we had done thus far. However, there was a little bug, that caused all mb in the top 20 upload list for the BBS's, to display at +/- 0. A bug hardly many noticed, since the other important lists were correct. FUZZ looked into the problem, and rewrote VILEIUS program, and fixed the bug. DALAMAR then presented him with an old Idea he and VILEIUS had, that they had called DC_SPEED. Thus Fuzz started coding on that one: From Beeing A Cli-Util, He made It a XIM. He very nicely added some features me and vileius hadn't though about. Fuzz also Modified the Dc_analysis program, to fit the new header he made for the dc_speed program. He also did some utils to convert vileius statsfiles, to his own format. TANGO also helped fUZZ with examples of a Routine to Read&Store filenames, If I remember correctly. .-- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - --÷- -----. | | | DC_SPEED: | . : : | IDEA: DALAMAR, VILEIUS. Mechanics: DALAMAR, VILEIUS, FUZZ. : · · . CODE: FUZZ DESIGN: sKIZE . ¦ : | | Function: Records ul'ed Filenames, and time & uploader. Also The function | of Dc_init was implemented here by fuzz, to cut down the number | of programs the sysops need to install. : : ¦ : . Also, work is Still beeing done on DC_ANA | : | | | `-- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- ----- -- - ÷- - -----' April '95: By DALAMAR aND SKIZE. Design: FATAL Calc: DALAMAR May '95: By DALAMAR aND SKIZE. Design: FATAL Calc: FUZZ Juni '95: By DALAMAR aND SKIZE. Design: FATAL Calc: FUZZ July '95: By DALAMAR. Calc: FUZZ Aug '95: By DALAMAR aND SKIZE. Calc: FUZZ Sept. '95: By DALAMAR. Calc: FUZZ, DALAMAR SEP. '95: By DALAMAR aND sKIZE. Calc: fUZZ OCT. '95: By DALAMAR. Calc: FUZZ NOV. '95: By DALAMAR. Calc: FUZZ DEC. '95: By DALAMAR. Calc: FUZZ JAN. '96: By DALAMAR. Calc: FUZZ The COLLECT DOOR for our HQ's has been coded by TANGO/LED. Dalamar helped with sum small details, but this is mainly TANGO's thing, all by himself. There are more projects with NEPTUNE, NIKE, FATAL, DALAMAR and SKIZE going on, but since those are not yet ready, we will describe them when they are. ABOUT ARTICLES AND STUFF You guys really stink when it comes to leaving articles. I could think you all are illiterate! C'mon, I do not have the time or strenght to invent 5-10 new articles every month for years to come. You gotta help me out a little too if you still want text in the charts. So! Leave Some Articles or Texts or jokes or Whatever you think can Be published In Dreamcharts. Leave them at Dragonlance. [· tHE 100 aMIGA mAJORS ·] [· tHE 100 cONSOLE mAJORS ·] [· tHE 100 PC mAJORS ·] AMIGA MAJORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ NR# #BOARDS FILENAME ======================================================== 1 51 FLT_PP0.DMS 2 51 FLT_PP1.DMS 3 51 FLT_PP2.DMS 4 51 FLT_PP3.DMS 5 50 DLM_GDX1.DMS 6 50 DLM_GDX2.DMS 7 49 FLT_PP.DOC 8 49 XXX-DC14.LHA 9 48 DLM_GDX.NFO 10 48 TRSI-TM.NFO 11 48 TRSI-TM1.DMS 12 47 ACS-BGN5.TXT 13 47 TRSI-TM0.DMS 14 47 TRSI-TM2.DMS 15 46 DC14-FIX.LHA 16 46 FLD-AFS2.DMS 17 46 FLD-SW10.LHA 18 46 SOS-HAPY.TXT 19 46 XTR-1.DMS 20 46 XTR-2.DMS 21 46 XTR-3.DMS 22 45 DAT-KID1.DMS 23 45 DAT-KID2.DMS 24 45 DAT-KID3.DMS 25 45 FLD-AFS2.NFO 26 45 INS-SLTR.LHA 27 44 -T-DOP6.TXT 28 44 D!-XTRBO.TXT 29 44 NE-GRP02.LHA 30 44 PDY-BAZ1.DMS 31 44 PDY-BAZ2.DMS 32 44 XTD-MC64.LHA 33 43 AFF-LFX1.DMS 34 43 AFF-LFX2.DMS 35 43 AFF-LFX3.DMS 36 43 HF-SLZ.DMS 37 43 HOS-CIC1.TXT 38 43 HOS-CIC2.TXT 39 43 HOS-CIC4.TXT 40 42 -T-CIVM2.TXT 41 42 ELT-WTFC.TXT 42 42 HF-STC.NFO 43 42 ORPSW.LHA 44 42 SAD^LC10.LHA 45 42 SCX-CORE.TXT 46 42 XTR.NFO 47 41 AFF-SOAF.DMS 48 41 AMIGAR.TXT 49 41 AXHACK.TXT 50 41 C!-WAKE.TXT 51 41 COR-NEW.TXT 52 41 DAT-TSP.DMS 53 41 DAT-TSP.NFO 54 41 DPH^JOIN.TXT 55 41 ELITE01.LHA 56 41 FLD-UD06.LHA 57 41 XPSTR202.LHA 58 40 -T-HERTC.TXT 59 40 A4000BCK.TXT 60 40 CDC-A101.LHA 61 40 COPAGAIN.TXT 62 40 CSH548A.LHA 63 40 DAT-FF91.DMS 64 40 DAT-FF92.DMS 65 40 DAT-FF93.DMS 66 40 DAT-KID.NFO 67 40 E^D-ART1.TXT 68 40 FUCKVIR.TXT 69 40 HF-SLZ.NFO 70 40 HF-STCM.DMS 71 40 HF-STCW.DMS 72 40 HNY-SRCH.TXT 73 40 HOS-CIC3.TXT 74 40 HO^LAMER.TXT 75 40 INT-LZS.LHA 76 40 LSD-HSL1.DMS 77 40 LSD-HSL2.DMS 78 40 ORS_PT3A.LHA 79 40 PDY-SLA2.DMS 80 40 STUNTCAR.LHA 81 40 SXI-GLDT.LHA 82 39 -T-MFTB.TXT 83 39 3_DRINK.TXT 84 39 AL-FF.TXT 85 39 AZK-BURS.TXT 86 39 AZK-COTT.TXT 87 39 BD-PPHD.LHA 88 39 COR-KM.NFO 89 39 COR-KM1.DMS 90 39 D!-GREAT.LHA 91 39 E^D-ART2.TXT 92 39 FLD-CS60.LHA 93 39 GRY-ZKDC.TXT 94 39 HF-LEG.DOC 95 39 ILS-EB.TXT 96 39 MST-RAGE.TXT 97 39 PDY-SLA.NFO 98 39 PDY-SLA1.DMS 99 39 PDY-SLA4.DMS 100 39 PDY-TRAP.DMS CONSOLE MAJORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NR# #BOARDS FILENAME ======================================================== 1 15 CEN-KSBC.LZH 2 15 N!MM3CRK.LHA 3 14 HLG-FPW.LZH 4 14 HLG-KSBC.LZH 5 13 AS-MAYU3.LZH 6 13 N!-FF3US.LZH 7 13 OS-FTBHB.LZH 8 13 OS-REVXP.LZH 9 13 OS-TPJ!.LZH 10 12 AS-EIKET.LZH 11 12 AS-FLEA.LHA 12 12 AS-FPROX.LZH 13 12 AS-SANK.LZH 14 12 SNK-MIKB.LZH 15 12 SNK-TURB.LZH 16 11 AS-PARLO.LZH 17 11 G-REVOXF.LZH 18 11 HLG-REX.LZH 19 11 N!MM3.LHA 20 11 OS-BHURT.LZH 21 11 OS-F96GB.LZH 22 11 OS-FF3US.LZH 23 11 SNESTL12.LZH 24 10 AS-3X3.LZH 25 10 AS-JINSE.LZH 26 10 AS-MMTR.LHA 27 10 AS-YS5.LZH 28 10 CW_DEC95.LHA 29 10 HLG-SANK.LZH 30 10 N!TALES.LHA 31 10 OS-MOTTE.LZH 32 10 STL-PEEK.LZH 33 9 AS-ISODU.LZH 34 9 ASG-WATR.LHA 35 9 HLG-ZOOP.LZH 36 9 MCSCI-1.LZH 37 9 OS-MIC2F.LZH 38 9 OS-MK3GB.LZH 39 9 SNES.ZIP 40 8 AS-SAIKY.LZH 41 8 ASG-MADO.LHA 42 8 ASG-SENG.LZH 43 8 BK-FF3US.LHA 44 8 G-MM2TT.LZH 45 8 HKGG-DK2.LZH 46 8 OS-A409.LHA 47 8 OS-MMONO.LZH 48 8 OS-SW100.LZH 49 8 OS-WINTE.LZH 50 8 U64SPECS.TXT 51 8 WFYS-DKP.LZH 52 7 AS-BASS3.LZH 53 7 AS-GBGGU.LZH 54 7 ASG-JEDI.LHA 55 7 CRE-MIDO.LZH 56 7 EHISTORY.LZH 57 7 MOM-ASMI.LZH 58 7 MW-SECRT.LZH 59 7 OS-BEET2.LZH 60 7 OS-GBSWA.LHA 61 7 OS-TOSAT.LHA 62 7 PS-US400.TXT 63 7 PSXV31.TXT 64 7 QBC96NEW.LZH 65 7 RRRCHEAT.TXT 66 7 SATUR.LZH 67 7 SN-EVERM.LZH 68 7 SNK-CTI+.LZH 69 7 SNK-CTIS.LZH 70 6 AS-BIGIC.LZH 71 6 AS-LODOS.LZH 72 6 AUSTLEAG.LHA 73 6 DSL-BUB2.ZIP 74 6 KI2ASS.LZH 75 6 MOM-ASTR.LZH 76 6 MQLFFGER.LZH 77 6 OS-GBPR1.LHA 78 6 OS-MAD96.LZH 79 6 OS-MEGA4.LZH 80 6 OS-RA2SN.LZH 81 6 SAT-US10.TXT 82 5 HLG-FF.LZH 83 5 HLG-MOT.LHA 84 5 MOM-HSTR.LHA 85 5 OS-ANUBS.LZH 86 5 OS-PROBP.LZH 87 5 OS-TPJ!.TXT 88 5 PSXISO.LHA 89 4 AS-SAUND.LZH 90 4 ASG-BCK.LZH 91 4 ASG-BUB.LZH 92 4 ASG-MMW.LZH 93 4 CGM-VGB2.LZH 94 4 dsl-ww.zip 95 4 MOM-MIMF.LZH 96 4 OS-BAS96.TXT 97 4 OS-NBAZO.TXT 98 4 OS-NHLFA.TXT 99 4 PF-SWAP!.TXT 100 4 SM64.WAV PC MAJORS ~~~~~~~~~ NR# #BOARDS FILENAME ======================================================== 1 14 GDI_GOL1.ZIP 2 14 GDI_GOL2.ZIP 3 14 GDI_GOL3.ZIP 4 14 L-MGAME1.ZIP 5 14 L-MGAME2.ZIP 6 14 L-MGAME3.ZIP 7 14 L-MGAME4.ZIP 8 13 SPDUDE-1.ZIP 9 13 SPDUDE-2.ZIP 10 13 SPDUDE-3.ZIP 11 13 SPDUDE-4.ZIP 12 12 ARCADE-1.ZIP 13 12 ARCADE-2.ZIP 14 12 ARCADE-3.ZIP 15 12 ARCADE-4.ZIP 16 12 L-PB4000.ZIP 17 12 L-TNDCD1.ZIP 18 12 L-TNDCD2.ZIP 19 12 L-TNDCD3.ZIP 20 12 L-TNDCD4.ZIP 21 12 RCYCLE-1.ZIP 22 12 RCYCLE-2.ZIP 23 12 RCYCLE-3.ZIP 24 12 RCYCLE-4.ZIP 25 12 RCYCLE-5.ZIP 26 12 RCYCLE-6.ZIP 27 11 L-SIDEL1.ZIP 28 11 L-SIDEL2.ZIP 29 11 L-SIDEL3.ZIP 30 11 L-SIDEL4.ZIP 31 11 L-SIDEL5.ZIP 32 11 L-SIDEL6.ZIP 33 11 L-SIDEL7.ZIP 34 11 VIA-TZ01.ZIP 35 11 VIA-TZ02.ZIP 36 11 VIA-TZ03.ZIP 37 11 Z2K-CC01.ZIP 38 11 Z2K-CC02.ZIP 39 10 AT-IMKS1.ZIP 40 10 AT-IMKS2.ZIP 41 10 AT-IMKS3.ZIP 42 10 CC_RBB01.ZIP 43 10 CC_RBB02.ZIP 44 10 CC_RBB03.ZIP 45 10 CC_RBB04.ZIP 46 10 DOOM95-1.ZIP 47 10 DOOM95-2.ZIP 48 10 DOOM95-3.ZIP 49 10 REALDEA1.ZIP 50 10 REALDEA3.ZIP 51 9 ABI-3DP1.ZIP 52 9 ABI-3DP2.ZIP 53 9 IPL-REB1.ZIP 54 9 IPL-REB2.ZIP 55 9 IPL-REB3.ZIP 56 9 IPL-REB4.ZIP 57 9 IPL-REB5.ZIP 58 9 IPL-REB6.ZIP 59 9 L-CCHSS1.ZIP 60 9 L-CCHSS2.ZIP 61 9 REALDEA2.ZIP 62 9 REALDEA4.ZIP 63 9 TSCCYAG1.ZIP 64 9 TSCCYAG2.ZIP 65 9 TSCCYAG3.ZIP 66 8 MSQ-TIME.ZIP 67 8 NFSICEA1.ZIP 68 8 NFSICEA2.ZIP 69 8 NFSRC96A.ZIP 70 8 NFSRC96B.ZIP 71 8 NFSRC96C.ZIP 72 8 RLX-AIV1.ZIP 73 8 RLX-AIV2.ZIP 74 8 RLX-AIV3.ZIP 75 8 RORTMG01.ZIP 76 8 VEL-ASS1.ZIP 77 8 VEL-ASS2.ZIP 78 8 VEL-ASS3.ZIP 79 8 VEL-ASS4.ZIP 80 8 VIA-H01.ZIP 81 8 VIA-H02.ZIP 82 7 BBNASD1.ZIP 83 7 BBNASD2.ZIP 84 7 BBNASD3.ZIP 85 7 BBNASD4.ZIP 86 7 BBNASD5.ZIP 87 7 DODRW45B.ZIP 88 7 DODSM205.ZIP 89 7 DOMCM2I1.ZIP 90 7 DOMCM2I2.ZIP 91 7 DOMCM2I3.ZIP 92 7 DOMCM2I4.ZIP 93 7 DOMCM2I5.ZIP 94 7 L-CCHSS3.ZIP 95 7 NFS-SR96.ZIP 96 7 PWA-QGR1.ZIP 97 7 PWA-QGR2.ZIP 98 7 PWA-QGR3.ZIP 99 7 RIPIT.ZIP 100 7 RORTMG02.ZIP Feel Free to send Us mods. Preferably not techno, but something to fit with DREAMcharts.. you know. DREAM.. nice little tune.. Something that makes us relax.. Also Send us your handle Histories. Preferably at Dragonlance, but look at the list of Hq's, and take a pick. You can send Articles and News too.. fuck.. Send ANYTHING. But just DO IT! To little boards this month, due to troubles in the Norwegian Scene. Check the GLOBAL lists for your boards! This country Is to new to have an own speed section, The DC_door hasn't registred the uploads yet. Also there are to few boards, but we are sure more will join soon. Check The global list, Boards from your country might be in it! There are no boards with that Conference Combination in your country. Atleast no boards that have joined Dreamcharts... Too Few Boards, To be Worth the effort of making this list. We will produce it when more boards join. It would only look stupid! So, ZCANDALER was the first to find this secret node, and thus recieved 5mb. THen some PC guys called in and said they found it, but that is not counted, since the PC guys have No other choice then to look into this "code", since their Computers cannot understand the amigaguide format.. Some things that Was left To our DC door at the Hq's: I'll Give some comments to what can be commented every month. /Dalamar -*- Somehow we seem to have missed 3-4 boards in issue 14, even though they did leave stats. Like Total Eclipse. Unortunately, Due to my Hd-crash This is going to happen this issue also. Sorry folks. But you will get your credits next issue anyhow.. -*- Hoi! Take note of this... Hopefully this time the status file from EVERYWARE will be counted, but PLEASE make sure everything in the file is allright, as I had some serious problems with the tooltypes (bugged when I saved the icon) If you have some troubles you'll be able to reach me at EVERYWARE in person or through bAFFLE! at Bumble Bee Land! ... Thx in advance! Hopeully things will turn out to be allright... This is actually the 3rd month in a row I have been u/l'ing to you without being counted (Through bAFFLE! though!) Heh! ... So see you around ... And don't forget to add a note in the next dC about EVERYWARE if the stat-file is fucked or something! Kepp up good work ... Lattah! -sHADE!/iNSANE&TRSi! Dalamar: Well, As U say yourself, your statsfile has been fucked. Hopefully you have written the right tooltypes now. You will notice when reading this issue (; -*- receiver bbs was down from 96-01-01 to 96-01-10 ºÑºÓ because some problems with the AFS filesystem.. Dalamar: hawh! Wasn't this the guy that said AFS was so super? Well.. It kinda seems to crash everyones Hd... -*- Hi m8!.... thanks for a wonderful chart! just wanna let you know that the stats for my board is a bit fucked up... first I deleted almost 100 users over a period of a few days (used nukeacc) then my hd decided to fcuk up real bad.... my user.data was lost... so I had to insert an old backup (from 951231) and add the values the users requested and claimed they've uploaded... guess we still miss about 3-400 mb's up and about 1 gb down... nothing to do about it though... but now you know why! DANSKEN/ACCESS! -*- hey man i am gonne close my board but my friend is gonne take over and if it is ok with ya then he would like to run the DKdc hq also soo let me know if there is a prob there pal ok ciao playm8 Dalamar: That depends a bit on Who this "friend" is, and how well a job he is going to do. The choice will be between him and Sky Tower. -*- Ambassador Virus should have left stats this month, but hasn't done so in several months. Therefore Ambassador Virus is no longer an ambassador. wheel]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ wHEELSPIN ECS/AGA ] citadel]- is not supported\nSeems to be external file linking.');" [ CITADEL ENGLISH ] No Germany HQ at the Moment. DEEP SPACE NINE has promised to be the HQ When we get the TEMPEST door ready.. Too Few Boards for the SPEED part to be produced. Check the usual FINLAND list, and the GLOBAL list for the finnish Boards. Hopefully pSYCHE will now be the Dc HQ BOONDOCK is the HQ in Holland. But too Few Boards for a SPEED list. Check the usual and Global lists for the Dutch boards. wHERE TO LEAVE YOUR HANDLE HISTORY: As always the safest Is to leave Directly to me, Dalamar, At Dragonlance. But any Other HQ will do: dRAGONLANCE (WHQ) iNTOXICATION (sWE HQ) ANOTHER WORLD (sWE HQ) TOTAL ECLIPSE (sWE HQ) mENTAL hANGOVER (Swiss HQ) zILLION hOURS (fIN hQ) bUMBLE bEE lAND (Norway HQ) bOONDOCKS (Holland HQ) nORTHERN pALACE (DK HQ) HOW TO DO IT: Write 'DC' To start our door. Select option 3. (LEAVE COMMENT TO DC). Write you history and save. NEW 1 GIG LIMIT TO JOIN!! Lamers, lamers, everywhere. This is getting quite out of hand. New Boards Pop up everywhere. That is no problem, Except for the fact that they pop up in the "elite" scene. I've had more than 10 guys THIS MONTH only, that have called me up and needed help to install /X. When I ask If they have the Tooltype xx_xxxx, they just go "ehem.... What's a Tooltype?"... *Sigh* Many have wanted me to just pack my Entire BBS in an .lha archieve and give to them, so they can setup a bbs and start getting warez and gaining respect. BUZZ OF! I say... I've spent over a year building my bbs Up, and no little Wannabe is going to get all that hard work for free. I talked to fuzz some 10 mins ago, and he told me the same thing. Lots of wannabees that call for help, and some get it, and set up some BBS, calling themselves Elite. This has to be stopped. There can be no Elite-scene if every little wannabe sets up a bbs. I advice the established sysops out there to let these people manage themselves. IF they manage to set up /X, then It's ok, let them run a board. Atleast they prooved themselves a little worthy. But don't give them your entire BBS, so they just need to change some ascii and names. It's going to kill the Amigascene as we know it today. This is such an important matter, that Dreamchart has decided to Boycott all such New BBS's. We will Have A UL/DL LIMIT for boards wanting to join, and they are as follows: To join Dreamchart a board must have * 1 GIG UPLOAD * and * 1 GIG DOWNLOAD * Minimum! If they have a * PC CONF * The limits are * 2 GIG UPLOAD and 2 GIG DOWNLOAD * We will check all new Board's User.data, and if we find any signs of Cheating (i.e compos with Creds that doesn't exist), that board will be banned from Dreamchart, and be put on a Black List, for everyone to see, every month, that the sysop is a cheater, and should not be supported. RULES FOR GIVING OUT CREDS! Since some sysops STILL haven't learned the basic Princips of running an Elite-BBs, I will have to go trough It again. * YOU MUST HAVE A "DELETED USERS" ACCOUNT! Create this account at once, if you don't already have it. Everytime you DELETE a user, move all his UL and DL credits to this account. If You NUKE, say a 2.2mb File, You can transfer the Credits (2,2 mb) to the DELETED USERS account as UL bytes. There are nukers doing this automatic. Try MFM-NUKER. If you UPLOAD something localy on your board, That means, you , the sysop trading, you can move the creds to the DELETED USERS account whenever you like. OK.. After a while We will have some credits on the deleted Users Account. say U: 200mb DL:100mb You can now have a compo with 200mb in prices. That is by the rules. You CANNOT! have a 500mb compo, since the credits doesn't exist. If you want to give 2*creds on a 10mb Major Release, you will have to SUBTRACT the creds given from your Deleted users acount. So if you give *2 on 10 mb, you will have 200mb - 10mb = 190mb Left to give out on compos or *Creds. to give *2 on a 10mb major, when only 5mb Ul in the deleted Users account exist, is called CHEATING, and will lead to Damnation from the charts. And we HAVE ways of checking this 100% very soon. So, you wanna be in the Elite-community? Stick to the Elite Rules! MAKE AN INTERVIEW! Making Dreamcharts takes more and more time for every month. So Instead of WE hunting YOU down for an interview, We have included an Interview-form for you to fill in. You will find it in the DREAMCHARTS Directory, named Fill-Me.txt For those interested in beeing published, please answer the questions and send them to me (dalamar). US guys can try mailing me at DEATH ROW. Rest of the world, You'll find me at DRAGONLANCE as usual, and #amielite. You can also DCC it to me through IRC. I had this handle, HAMMER, Before, And I thought I was getting quite... old, And I felt like changing it. But what would I choose? Since we lived in the the forest, a choosed something with MAD and MOOSE. That is MAD MOOSE. My handle is bELZEBUB and I think it's a great choice for me. I've heard that there are 2 other bELZEBUB's in sweden but i've seen none of them so I will keep my handle a while. Well, like everyone else I'm very interested in MAGIK and Satanism. I've read some books and stuff about dark paths and so on.. Aleister Crowley and so on. I've also practiced one or two of the rituals that exists. Besides that I'm very fond of other cool religions like buddhism, hinduism and New Age. I've discovered that there is bad people among all religions and that is the symbol I mean by choosing bELZEBUB. Besides that fact there is a note to add! I want to show to people around me that one can function as a human being also, despite this interests. I'm not a satanist or something like that, I just want to show to people that a person CAN in fact be nice and human in his way of living. So to all people, I'm not as bad as it sounds.. It's just a great way of expanding the views of the eternal struggle called LIFE! iNTERVIEW wiTH a rEAL, lIVING gIRL. (sORRY, sWEDISH onLY) oki. Vi har nu med oss LINA. För er som undrar vem det är, så ska ni inte vara så jäkla nyfikna, men jag lovar, det ÄR en riktig tjej, som vi alla ska ta o lyssna på, för vi vet ju inte så mycket om dom där, o vi lär oss definitvt inte mer genom att sitta framför burkarna. Så lina, Jag har hört att du har en pojkvän som är rätt så inne för det här med datorer. Stämmer det? -Ja. Och du vet precis vem det är också. :) Avslöjad! Attans. Vi pratar alltså LIVE med Moonlighters Flickvän. Vad vi alla här är nyfikna (inbillar jag mig iaf) är hur det är att ha en kille som sitter framför burken så mycket? blir det jobbigt? -Nej, eftersom han ägnar mer tid till mig en sin dator så gör det inget!!!! Hmm.. det går ett elakt rykte här på scenen att du ikväll har fått ligga ensam i sängen, och förgäves försökt väcka vår käre moonighters lustar till liv, medans det enda han har visat intresse för ikväll, har varit att sitta framför sin burk och prata med en viss Dalamar. ligger det någon sanning i detta påstående? -Kanske det kanske,men det skulle jag inte tala om för dig :) jag trodde väl det.. (; Om du fick bestämma hur länge din pojkvän fick sitta med sin dator per dag, vad skulle du sätta för gräns då? -Ja, absolut MAX 2 timmar per dag. :) oj då. Stränga krav. Men anta att din killes jobb p scenen är utav sådan natur att han behöver minst 4 timmar per dag? vad skulle du göra då? -Det beror på vad han pysslar med. Om han bara sitter o tramsar med alla er som han har gjort nu i 2 eller 3 timmar skulle det inte bli mer en 2 timmar:) oj då! hårda ord! en intervju , i sveriges största scentidning, som dessutom innefattar 5 euopeiska länder, kallar hon för trams. ja, se tjejer (; Men vi hoppar över den kommentaren. Hjälper han till med Hushållet, eller har han bara tid till datorn och dig? -Nej, för han är nästan aldrig hemma, så han kan väl inte göra så mycke antar jag. Men när han är hemma så blir det dator och mig:) stör det dig att han har bilder av nakna tjejer på sin dator? -Nej, se men inte röra du vet. "det spelar ingen roll vart man skaffar sig aptiten, så länge man äter hemma". I get the point. Vet du vad han sysslar med på sin dator, eller är det bara ett svart obegripligt töcken? -Jag vet att han håller på och ritar en bild på något kul framtids-tema och att han har en bbs som det ringer en massa trevliga folk till! men i övrigt vet jag inte direkt något annat än att han är visst arg på någon kille som också ringer med dator! hehe..de stämmer.. det är MÅNGA som är arga på just den personen. Är du medveten hurvida BBs'en som din kille har är Laglig eller inte? -Nej. Men eftersom du säger så där så måste du mena att det inte är lagligt:) se! Och så finns det folk som säger att blondiner är DUMMA. Ett levande evis på motsatsen. Skulle du stödja honom i hans verksamhet även om den var olaglig? Obs, jag säger INTE att den är olaglig, men däremot att den genom ny lagstiftning kan komma att bli det. -Jag vet inte ,men jag tror på att han vet vad han pysslar med. Så jag står väl bakom honom kan jag tro. Du får ursäkta att det blir lite knasigt men jag har ju trots allt vart uppe sen klockan 6 i morse:) tro mig, det ser finfint ut! Upplever du Datorn som en rival? en konkurent? att moonlighter spenderar för mycket tid med den, har kul med den, smeker dess knappar (; Skapar det någon slags sting av avundsjuka? -Nej det kan jag väl inte påstå. Han har en sak som man kan få fakta om en hel del filmer som jag gillar. Så jag sitter och leker lite jag också ibland:) hehe.japps.. movie Database. Kul sak. Kan du tänka dig att ge dig in på det här med datorer? lära sig lite mer, kanske hjälpa till med BBs'en o så? eller är det en sak som inte lockar så mycket? -Jag har i alla fall lärt mig hur man kollar film-grejjennn, så det kanske kommer mer med tiden. Men det är ju inget som är planerat precis!! oki. Faktum är att de flesta av våra läsare är ungdommar mellan 13-17, så ämnet SEX kommer du inte ifrån. eller ja, inte så grovt kanske, men iaf Sex&samlevnad. Så jag är säker att folk fr väldig nytta av att du berättar vad du tycker är de egenskaper en bra partner bör ha. -Ja fråga Lina bara:) Men vilka egenskaper? Att va väl utrustad eller vaddå:) Ja, vi kan ju ta den frågan oxo. Spelar storleken någon roll? -Nej, då skulle jag inte vara tillsammans med Moonlighter:) Skojja bara lite, men nej det tycker jag inte. hehe... jag är säker på att detta är ett ämne många tar väldigt allvarligt på. Så jag hopas han inte gråter. men ingen fara, jag ska inte fråga efter hans exakta storlek i cm, då det inte var relevant (: Vad jag menade med egenskaper, var t.ex: Snäll, Lång, tjaa... vad nu ni tjejer tycker.. kunna prata, vara bra i sängen.. you tell me! (: Du får 3 st . Prioritera som du tycker. -Jaha. okej, han ska fina ögon, vara mycket trevlig men inte så att det blir smörigt:) och sen ska det gå och prata om allt utan att det blir tokigt hela tiden. Det är vad jag tycker, sen kan ju inte jag svara för alla tjejer men ändå! hehe.. intressant prioritering... ögonen.. Vad har man när man har "fina ögon"? beror det på ögonfärg? storlek? om de har lätt att gråta? vart de sitter på huvudet? -Man har klarblåa ögon med ett otroligt djup i. Som man kan se in i och bara försvinna:) låter himla trevligt. Oki... Nu tänkte jag fråga om det finns något bra sätt att ragga upp en tjej på krogen med, samt om det finns något dåligt. -Jag har inte varit med om något bra sätt:) Men det finns i alla fall bättre sätt en att komma fram och vara onykter och tafsa och tro att det går hem! finns det någon bra öppningsreplik du kan rekomendera våra läsare? -Nej,för det är olika, Moonlighter sa just ingenting:) hehe... oj, Scenens egna cassanova stod svarslös! detta kommer scenen mumsa åt! (; Vad är det mest avtändande en man kan göra? -Ja du, antagligen lukta svett och ha så fottigt hår att det ser ut som dom har haft margarin i huvet:) hehe.. oki.. vad är det mest upphetsande en man kan göra, och nu utesluter vi de saker som sker under själva sexakten (; -Som Mr.Scene Man gör just nu:) oj då.. jag tror vi får ta en intercvju till med honom sen, och fråga om detaljer. hehe.. eller nej, vi låter var man (pojke?) klura ut det själv. Hnn,, oki.. jag tror det räcker med Sex och samlevnad.. eller nah, det är ett roligt ämne. Vad är det man kan göra, som lättast tar död på ett förhållande? Alltså, vad bör man undvika att göra? om du förstår, för jag vet knappt om jag själv gör det (; -Vara otrogen, även om man har druckit lite mycket! hehe.. nej, det är välrdens äldsta ursäkt.. eller rättare sagt, ingen ursäkt alls. oki.. nu ska vi se om jag kommer på en fråga till.. får jag kalla denna artikeln för "lina's Sex guide"? eller har jag klurat ihop namnet igen? (; -Haha:) Nej det var rätt. Men jag är knappast en sexolog surru! Så kanske något annat kanske:) haha.. det är tillräckligt mycket sex i denna intervju för att jag ska behöva införa en 18' års gräns till nästa nummer.. Så moonlighter får inte läsa den.. vi säger 17.5 års då för att vara snälla. Hmm.. oki.. jag tror faktiskt jag har slut på frågor denna gång.. om det inte finns något särskillt du vill säga till några tusen tonårskillar? -Kanske att alla ska veta att du är en mycket trevlig person, och dessutom söt:) Jag har ju sett bilden du vet:) ------------------------------------------/ Här Bryter vi intervjun. Vi fortsatte med att gå vidare och stämma date nån dag moonis inte skulle vara hemma (; IRC This is short for Internet Relay Chat. The most interesting channels should be #Amiga, #Amigascne, #AmiElite. This works like a Multi-chat, with unlimited number of participants, though it seldom is more than 50 users chatting at the same time. The AMIGA channel is for ordinary people using an amiga, Amigascne is for people involved in the demoscene, and Amielite is for the real elite, The top modem sceners. Actually this is kind of secret channel, so Don't tell anyone (; People here are so cool, That they use hacked cards, to call their hacked account at their supplier, to call a board with a hacked Leech account. (; All channels involve people talking to eachother, other people replying to the questions they find interesting, and chatting in general where all people can follow The conversation. The AmiElite channel is a bit different, Since we are so Elite. The first thing you should se when you enter this channel is *TELNET ME*, Followed by a *Hi! wanna Telnet me?*, and finally a *Please, Can you telnet me?* You better get used to those messages co they are gonna show up every 5 mins. Some telnet sysops (no names), have a bad habbit of sending those messages all the time. Anyhow, Next thing you will se is....Nothing. After a while you might see something like "does anyone have a cracked version of _____ ?", "gotta go, c ya" or "Telnet Me". You will find this channel quite boring. 20 people, but no one writing anything! Actually, this conf is active like hell, but since we are so fuckin Elite, we keep that secret, and only send private messages. Those can only be read by the reciever. Start writing some private mess ( /msg user message ). After a while you will find yourself in conersation with 5 people, and having a hard time answering all incoming mails. Try something like "/msg name DCC me todays files please.." and you might find all of a sudden, a 0 days release beeing uploaded to you. The real Cool People, like LSD, Spread their releases through IRC, on AmiElite, and Telnet. You will learn the tips and tricks of this channel after a while. I ain't gonna say no more. For total beginners, Call your internet Provider, Start IRC, connect to a server, type /join #Amielite and say "hello", then we will have the pleasure of writing /kick yourname and /ban yourname, since you are to lame to be there anyhow (; Btw, don't argue with people that have a @ infront of their names. They are the operators and should be treated with respect, or you will find yourself kicked or banned. Final hint for those that will try amielite. Never get mad at [buff], he is just doing his job.. Telnet is either heaven or hell, depending on whom you ask. There are many curses, but also many blessings about this. My curse was I could not get my Bbs work with it, even though I did "everything" right. I finally traced down the problem to my modem-settings, so if you are experiancing problems, do check them. Telser.device for example has a .mdm file. Make sure to alter that file so that is has the same settings as you init-string. Check so that all s-registers it alters really exist on your modem, and that they are supposed to be altered. But that is only for sysops.. I'm having a hard real hard time right now, since 80% of all pages on my board have the reason TELNET. People can't get the shit working. First of all, YES, it IS supposed to be so slow and jerky. That's one of the curses with telnet. Second, It will not work that good with Ncomm and Uploading. The best thing to try is TERM with HYDRA installed for Transfers. Third, you will need to have Amitcp or Mlink installed and running for things to work properly. A hacked account with only a unix telnet-client WILL have problems. For beeing able to telnet boards with ncomm or Term, you need to use the Telser.device, and then simply atdtIPadress portNr. Well, those should be the most common questions. If you are experiancing other problems than the ones mentioned, feel free to call and talk to SOMEONE ELSE! Unless it's my telnet nodes that are acting weird (; For those who haven't understood it, some sysops have connected their Boards to Telnet. The advantage with this is you can call and onnect to those boards, and only pay what it costs to call your local internet provider. Some boards conneted to the net: Death Row, Dragonlance, Uss Enterprise, Masturbation Station, Asylum, Traders Paradise, illion Hours, Bumble bee land, insanitary. Also one Us and Australian board I can't remember the names of. There are 2 kind of "numbers" to call those boards. STATIC and DYNAMIC. Dynamic adresses mean the adress changes everytime the sysop logs in to the net. So it's no real use writing those down. Chat with the sysop to get the current adress instead. Static adresses are always the same. Telnetting to boards only works as long the board (or sysop) is connected to the net. For most boards, this means 3-4 hours/day, as long as the sysop can afford to be online every day. But there are also boards with a direct line to internet, avaible 24hrs. Mostly US and Ausralian boards, since this only costs about 60$/month for them, while in Sweden the cost is 1300$, wich is impossible for a sysop to afford. Short for File Transfer Protocol. Most amiga people use this to connect to aminet. This works about the same as Shell. You can list Dirs, Create Dirs, delete files, put files in the dirs and Dl files from the dirs. For PC there are lots of wares sites here, but unfortunately there are no decent ones for amiga. Since aminet is quite lame for us sceners, I'll skip the Ftp part.. Short for World Wide Web. This is what Internet is mostly used for, and it's quite lame, since all you do is click on the screen once in a while. This is for ordinary people with no computer knowledge at all. Anyone that can read can use WWW. But damn, this shit is really funny to use. All you need to do is search for a keyword, say "ninja". It will then probably find 100+ pages that contain that word. You only have to click on the title, and there you go.The information on this part of the net is really vast. You can find everything you are looking for here. For some strange reason, if you start out searching for a particular word, like "ghost" since you like to check out a thing about ghosts, after an hour you will find you have forgotten everything about ghost, and are reading about dinosaurs and jack the ripper or something. You simply get carried away by all information here and click on everything that moves. This is called 'Surfing the net'. bluebottle flies solve murders? When the police finds the body of a murdered person, one of the most important things is to find out the time of the murder. Now they can have invaluable help by bluebottle flies to solve the murder! A dead body almost emmidiately starts to attract insects, especially bluebottle flies. The flies lay their eggs in the body, and the eggs devlop into larvaes after a certain time, with certain order of different stadiums. Other insects, like Beetles, also come to the crimeScene after a known time, attracted by the larvaes and the body. Those phenomemnons can be used by the police to determine when the murder took place. The insects can even reveal if the body has been moved after the murder to confuse the police. That depends on that different insects fast gather under the body, attracted by blood and other bodily fluids. You can see that the body has been moved if signs from the insects point towards another time of murder, compared to the larvaes in the body itself. Same princip, flies and larvaes that doesn't belong to the place the body was found can help the police find the real place of murder. E.g if typical City-flies were found in a body out in the coutry, or vice-versa. And if that isn't enuff, the larvaes can reveal if the victim was poisoned long after the body has rottened so bad, the police usually can't find any trace of toxic. Even if the victims flesh is almost totaly gone, the poison will still be found in the larvaes. So think about that one next time you are thinking of commiting a murder and think you gonna get away with it (; This issue has been REAL boring to do. I have written this shit down with paper and pencil, Far away from my computer. I could not find any subjects to write about, and settled for boring shit about internet. Fuck mates, Send me something, something to publish here. Here Is another boring article. Nothing to care about if you are immune to AIDS (; HIV SURVIVES CHEMICAL DESINFECTION!! The HIV-virus is far more difficult to kill than we thought. That is the conclusion drawn after new research, and it turns everything the scientists thought about Hiv not surviving outside the human body, upside-down. I will not go into detail about this, since I really don't feel like translating it right now (; But the results are as follows. Some chirugical instruments were smeared with Hiv-infected blood and then they were disinfected with the usual procedure, that is, put into desinfection liquid for 2 hours. After the desinfection, there were enuff Hiv-virus on the instrument to infect people with, for 49 hours more!!!! Think about that net time you go to the dentist.... -*- Since I'm bored I'll write more uniteresting things: tHE gREEK eARTH wAS nOT fLAT. Whatever Usual people thought for a long, long time, science has known for 2000 years that the earth is round. Aristoteles, A greek scientist that lived between 384-322 b.c proved that. The Sphere was according to him "the shape a body naturly takes when all it's parts are drawn into it's center". With this statement his was also real close discovering the Gravity. He could se the star Canopus when he was visiting Aleandria, an old greek colony in Egypt, but not when he was in Athens. This would only be possible if the earth was a globe. But most easy, Aristoteles observed the different stadiums of the Moons eclipse. He discovered that it was the earth's shadow that was the cause of the different shapes of the moon, and since the shadow was curved, the earth must be a globe. Speaking of the moon, The Russian Lunarsond LUNIK2 was the first vehicle from earth to make contact with the moon. It was crashed against it's surface 1959 (; % Exported with AmigaGuide WinViewer (AGWViewer) by Stone Oakvalley Studios - v1.34 (12 Jul 2015) from: febDC.guide %